Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Total body workshop July 24th

Beauty exposed will be covering this workshop event being held in Thornton to share with all of our readership interested in understanding holistic health and fitness for simple and effective lifestyle tips
You can RSVP to attend too
And check out the website at www.livelifefitness.usana.com
Sea complete feature in the premiere issue of Beauty Exposed coming soon!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Apology for the delay in magazine launch

Well life has happened and I'm sorry but we have delayed the magazine launch for great reasons... My son got married!

And we have officially sponsored a wonderful cause called Angel Faces 
A portion of all sales from beauty exposed will go towards sponsoring a canadian girl on her life changing journey next summer.

Thank you for your patience and continued excitement for the premiere issue of Beauty Exposed!